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Faith Ministry Stories

Showing items for 'July 2019'

Happy Birthday Hugo Family Shelter!

Posted by Deacon Nina Joygaard on

This week marks the 1 year anniversary of the opening of the St. Andrew’s Family Shelter in Hugo.  Faith Lutheran has been a partner on the journey in developing this ministry and providing volunteers over the last year.  The “Hugo House” hosted a birthday party to...

Brain Injuries

Posted by Jean Peikert, RN on

A concussion is a brain injury caused by blunt head trauma. In the US concussion affects more than 1 million individuals each year. Motor vehicle accidents are the most common cause of concussion, but it may result from active contact sports such as baseball, football, skiing, horseback riding...

Do you know what an injera maker is?


Posted by Nancy Mollner on

Do you know what an injera maker is?  I didn’t know either when I saw it on my list of things to buy for newly arriving refugees.  When I Googled it, I found out it is to make an Ethiopian bread from teff flour, similar to a crepe.  How to find such a machine???  I soon...

Lessons we learn from kids

Posted by Pastor John Klawiter on

One of my favorite parts of summer is the opportunity to get outside and explore. Camping ministry is what planted seeds in my own life to eventually become a pastor. Camp is where I spent most of my summers during college. It’s where I met my future wife. It’s where I love...

Undeserved Love

Posted by Joyce Getchell on

Grace is undeserved love.  It is God’s kindly attitude toward sinners like us. Our salvation comes from God’s faithful love, not from anything we do. So how do we share this great love?  Through our interactions with others as a loving response to God’s gift. What...

CPR Event

Posted by Jean Peikert, RN on

A CPR and AED training event took place at Faith Lutheran on June 11. There were 17 people in attendance, with most of them being Faith ushers. Everyone had a chance to practice CPR and practice using the AED. Our instructors Joe and Kathy Grafft were excellent. They explained why you are doing...

Bible stories that model 'Led by the Spirit'

Posted by Lloyd Sather on

In January 2019, the Faith congregation adopted a new mission statement: Led by the Spirit to share God’s grace. On Sunday, May 5, all were invited to engage in this mission so that it could inspire our shared ministry. Pastor John opened with a reflection on “Led by the...