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  • Phone: (651) 464-3323
  • Mailing Address: 886 North Shore Drive, Forest Lake, MN 55025



Lent 2021



    Lent Wednesday Night Services, The Lord's Prayer,

    6:30 pm (Streaming Only)

    February 24, Introduction and Petition 1 Our Father in heaven; hallowed by your name

    March 3, Petition 2 and 3 Your kingdom come; your will be done, on earth as in heaven

    March 10, Petition 4 Give us today our daily bread

    March 17, Petition 5 Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us

    March 24 Petition 6 and 7 Save us from the time of trial; and deliver us from evil

    Lent Sunday Services, Living Out Our Faith,

    9:00 or 10:30 am (Streaming, Radio or In-Person with Restrictions)

    February 21 - Living out our faith - Doing justice

    February 28 - Living out our faith through Direct Service—Donating money and items

    March 7 -  Living out our faith through Direct Service—Donating time, volunteering

    March 14 - Living out our faith through Education

    March 21 - Living out our faith through Advocacy

    March 28 - Palm Sunday, Living out our faith through Direct Action Organizing

    Lenten Spiritual Practices Resources

    Kids & adults can join Deacon Nina in praying in color each day of Lent. Download these prayer resources and see how the Spirit moves you!

    Lent Box Calendar

    Lent Spiral

    The Luther Seminary daily devotional “Awesome Mystery” is available for you to download here or you can pick up a copy from the church office. Consider sharing with a homebound or elder you know would appreciate this.

    Lenten Devotional

    Lenten Devotional Large Print

    FaithGroups Weekly Zoom