10:30 Brewed Theology
Spiritual Formation Adult Ministry
Figuring out Forgiveness HOMEWORK
The core of the Christian faith is the promise that God freely forgives sins through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. And, as he wrote in the Small Catechism, where there is forgiveness, there is salvation, i.e., new life that begins today and never ends. So, there’s that.
But getting to forgiveness is often messy, difficult, time-consuming, and tedious. Forgiving someone who has wronged you can be deeply challenging. Forgiving ourselves can be difficult. Admitting one’s wrongs against others (and, by extension, against God) can be daunting.
There’s also the commonly held notion that forgiving means forgetting the harm done to you, and its unholy axillary: you haven’t “truly forgiven” the person who harmed you until you forget the wrong. In addition, there is the misguided idea that forgiveness necessarily leads to reconciliation with the offender, which may be a hoped-for outcome but is not required for forgiveness.
So, we thought it would be helpful to ponder the productive and unproductive ways of seeking forgiveness, saying we’re sorry, apologizing to God and others, and, on the other side, committing to the words, “I forgive you.” We hope this BT topic and process will move participants to let go of grudges, bitterness, stress, and hostility, and open them to health, peace of mind, and freedom to live in the light of God’s love for them and the new life God always offers.