Annual Meeting on December 3
On Sunday, December 3, Faith is having a congregational meeting at 10:05 following worship. Faith Break will be served after the completion of this meeting. The council is bringing forward an agenda that reflects a hope for the future of Faith into the next 20 years.
Items on the agenda:
- Get updated on the 2023 financial position. (The 2024 budget will be approved during a brief congregational meeting on Sunday, January 28, 2024.)
- Hear a presentation on the financial advantages of installing solar panels. There will be time for questions and conversation. There will be a Yes/No vote to determine if the congregation wants to move forward with identifying bids. The December 3, meeting is NOT to have a vote for installation. This is a preliminary conversation and presentation from members who have spent significant time researching the financial/environmental benefits. A future vote may occur at the Jan 28th meeting if the council believes a viable bid is ready to present to the congregation.
- Discuss next steps on organ maintenance
- Elect new council and endowment members
For Council: Jo Lee, Don Baber and Sheila Bohnsack
For Endowment: Bill Elmstrom
Thank you, voting members, for participating in this important meeting!
The Faith Council
*Voting members are defined in the constitution as someone who has given financially and received communion at Faith in the past year.
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