Be Well Message – Tuesday, June 8

On Thursday, May 21, 2020, the Be Well Faith team first met in order to help Faith travel the journey that has been COVID-19. Between communications and guidelines from the MN Department of Health, the St. Paul Area Synod, and other health professionals, a game plan was developed for keeping our Faith community safe, informed, and moving forward. It has been a long road.
We are nearing a hopeful milestone: returning to familiar practices for worship and gathering for fellowship. With the lifting of restrictions at the state level, we are beginning the process of planning for summer and fall activities. We will plan to update our Faith community as plans are solidified and there is news to share. We will not be reporting weekly, but as needed.
Many thanks for the care, compassion, and patience all members of this community have shown through this time of the pandemic. Your efforts at following safety protocols have allowed Faith to protect and support all those who call this place home. We urge you to continue thinking of the safety and wellness of yourselves and others in the months ahead. We'll reconnect as needed to help set a standard for ongoing care.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Praise Him all creatures here below!
Praise Him above ye heavenly host!
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost! Amen!
Be Well, Faith!
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