Council Update
We held our February Council meeting on the 21st and spent some time getting to know each other as we had four new people who were attending for the first time. We also talked about things that were going on at Faith, including the Annual Meeting. We had people come up after the meeting and tell us how much they enjoyed it and really appreciated the positive attitude that came out at the meeting. I know that we put out a lot of information in a short time, especially concerning our capital campaign. Everyone will be receiving a mailing containing information that should clear up many of your questions about the plan.
We also talked about the Befriender’s training that just took place and we now have additional individuals who will be working with that ministry. Pastor Steve Melander is a welcome addition to our staff. The Father/Daughter Ball was a huge success with 174 in attendance, giving us our largest ever turnout. Our Council feels that Faith is headed in a good direction. We want to thank all of our members for their support and work that continues to make Faith Lutheran Church not only meaningful to its members, but also gives strength to our community. If you have anything that you would like to discuss with anyone on the Council, please contact one of us. Our contact information can be found on the Faith website.
Joe Mollner, President, Faith Lutheran Church Council
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