Council Update 2
At our April Council meeting we discussed how the Sunday attendance has continued to grow and how well our Lenten services were attended and received. Faith members again rallied together to donate 1556 pounds of food and $892.46 for the Food Drive, 172 pounds more than last year. We celebrated Pastor John’s one year anniversary and heard the first performance of the Bell Choir, directed by our newest staff member Mr. Dean Jensen. There were also many applications from our members for community mission grants, set up by the Clingman Estate money.
We approved the hiring of the contractor who will be replacing the front steps and the sidewalk by the administrative offices. The work is planned to take place in May. The Capital Campaign is moving along and we hope to see many of you on April 23rd for the BIG Celebration.
If you have any concerns or questions, please contact one of the Council members. Our contact information is listed on the Faith web site.
Joe Mollner
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