Hugo Family Shelter Immediate Needs

This week is Faith's turn to volunteer at the Hugo Family Shelter. It is our last opportunity to serve in 2023 so please consider! You can sign up below for the dates and times that are left for the next couple of days. There are options to bring food, donate, work the evening shift, and stay overnight. All are important needed options! There are also some new changes I’d like to point out. You may notice there are fewer sign-ups to serve food and work evening shifts. That is because local groups and restaurants are coming in to have cooking classes and serve food!
NEW Volunteers: if you know someone who is interested in getting involved please feel free to pass on my email to them or give theirs to me and I will reach out IF someone is already registered at Faith as a volunteer with a background check they only need to watch a short video to get involved with the HFS.
Please consider what you are comfortable with and what you feel you could offer at this time. These families and this ministry is more important and needed now more than ever, and your service is appreciated! If they do not have overnight staff they can’t keep their doors open.
-Alisa Kocian, Hugo Family Shelter Team
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