Keep your heart focused

Just as you talk and share life events with friends and family, God invites us to do the same. Be it a word of mercy or a sentence uttered in prayer like “guide my tongue.” God invites us to take time to talk in prayer and read the Bible or devotionals and then listen with an open heart through the day.
Below are some ideas of how to connect with God’s word and keep your heart focused.
I have been reading “Every Morning New”, a year-long devotional written by a couple, Herbert and Corrine Chilstrom. Look for it online or at a bookstore. Each day is an independent lesson, so don’t worry if you skip a day – but you may find yourself back reading to catch up!
There are many devotional materials available online too! “God Pause” comes free daily to your cell phone or computer. Pastors around the country write a short essay along with a Bible text. It’s organized by Luther Seminary and Pastor John even wrote a week of lessons this summer! Look for it at Accept this free gift!
Want another great educational experience? is also available on this same site. It looks at the next Sunday’s Bible Readings.
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