National Radon Month

January is national Radon month. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas released in rock, soil and water from the natural decay of uranium. The levels outside are a low threat to human health, but radon can accumulate to dangerous levels inside buildings. You can’t see, smell or taste it, but an elevated radon level in your home may affect your health.
Symptoms of Radon gas exposure include severe shortness of breath, hemoptysis, and coughing. Radon has been found in elevated levels in every state. High levels usually come from surrounding soil. Radon gas enters through cracks and openings on the lower levels of your home. The main areas would be basements, first floor rooms, garages or anywhere in your home.
To obtain an easy to use Radon test kit go to your hardware store. They are very inexpensive.
Radon is a radioactive gas that can cause cancer. About 21,000 people die each year from Radon exposure.
One resolution we can all make and keep is to rise about the little things and concentrate on the important things!
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