Refugee Outreach-December 2022
The Refugee Outreach Committee has been able to provide much-needed support to our refugee families in Minnesota. This summer, Faith helped to settle an Afghan family into their new home by providing many household items plus a gift card to get them started in this new chapter of their lives. We then helped to fill the need for school supplies by delivering backpacks and lots of needed supplies to many refugee families.
We got a call before Halloween that LSS was providing several Trunk or Treat opportunities and there was a need for Halloween candy. A trip to Costco ensued and we delivered 8 giant bags of treats for LSS to distribute for their activities.
And finally, we were asked to provide winter wear for the children, and we put together 20 winter jackets/snowpants with hats and mittens and delivered them before the big freeze.
We also dropped off 12 - $50 gift cards to grocery stores to be distributed to families that needed a little extra for holiday meals.
Thank you, Faith Lutheran, for your continued support for Refugee Outreach!!
Nancy Mollner and Karen Hoar
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