Special needs equipment for our schools

I am the mother of 4 children, 3 with special needs. In our local school district, resources for buying special needs equipment are limited. I applied for a Faith Mission Grant to provide support for kids in the classroom and their teachers.
Sensory activities help with focus, learning, calming, and regulating students so they are ready to learn. Tools like Hokki Stools allow students who need physical input to their wiggly bodies to focus. Bean bags are used to surround students with support and comfort on all sides, helping them feel calm. Bubble timers are calming to watch and provide a visual count down for students who need a visual reminder of how time passes. Kids without special needs benefit from fewer distractions in the classroom.
The Forest Lake School district does an amazing job of offering support to families with special needs children. They have the knowledge and willingness to help but lack the tools. The materials that we provided with mission grant proceeds have decreased classroom interruptions and melt downs and increased classroom time and comfort measures. This helps everyone including teachers and children with and without special needs.
Thank you Faith Lutheran!
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