What ways are we sharing God's grace?
The Mission Engagement Event held on May 5, 2019 has proven to be a ‘’watershed” experience for Faith Lutheran Church. You as a congregation have shown that sharing God’s Grace is part of the fabric of faith that embodies this family of believers.
Evidence of this out pouring of love is in the kindness and care you have for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Increasingly your grace is impacting the life of those not affiliated with our congregation. The breadth and scope of ministries this congregation has put into action all speak to the vision you are called into.
The ministries detailed below is not an exhaustive list of what you do, but shows the diversity of the work you do and are doing to Share God’s Grace.
Prayer Groups – Intercessory Prayer currently includes 70+ individuals connected via email who pray for those who are facing physical and mental challenges, to those in need of comfort and to those expressing joy of the heart. Intercessory Prayer is made up of members of Faith, former members and members from the community. On average, this ministry is praying for one or more individuals or families every day of the year. If you are interested in being part of this ministry contact (Brian and Jennifer Tolzmann at
.) the church office.
Another form of Intercessory Prayer brings together individuals who gather in the Chapel each Tuesday morning at 8:30 am to pray together over; prayer requests gathered during Sunday Worship services. Prayers are also offered for the success of Faith’s missions, for the staff and volunteers of Faith and for members of Faith. Your participation is welcome, just come and see.
BeFrienders – This ministry of friendship through listening has been active in the Faith community for the past 18 years and is part of a consortium of local churches which supports each other in this important ministry of healing.
BeFrienders provides a confidential, non-judgmental presence, outside the circle of family or friends, to individuals facing life transitions, isolation or loss of loved ones. Its purpose is to provide the opportunity for the “befriended” to find their own answers and strength to deal with their situation. On average, this team of “listeners” ministers to about a dozen individuals each year. If this ministry can be of help to you or a loved one or if you wish to be involved contact (Mike Perreault at ) the church office.
Hugo Homeless Shelter – A year old ministry of Faith in partnership with St. Andrews of Mahtomedi and 12 area churches that provides shelter and hope to those who struggle with homelessness. The outpouring of support from over 1,200 volunteers who have affected the lives of 17 families, served 730 meals, logged 4,745 hours of overnight shifts, provided warm beds for 55 people, offered companionship and conversation all are examples of sharing God’s grace. If this ministry speaks to you and you wish to be part of this ministry, contact (Alisa Kocian at
.) the church office.
Manna Paks – A two year old Faith Lutheran mission to those on the streets of our cities that take up stations at intersection of our roadways with signs requesting help. Manna Paks is a small yet meaningful way Faith members serve these individuals with grace and dignity. Manna Paks contain high-calorie food for a day, socks are included year-round and in the winter, hats and gloves are added. Since the inception of this ministry, Faith Lutheran and others have distributed over 520 Paks. The nominal cost for each Pak provides the income needed to maintain the supply of Paks for distribution. For more information and involvement contact (Bill and Jill Somrock at
.) the church office.
Sharing God’s Grace is part of what Faith Lutheran is all about, doing ministries that change lives, ministries that make a difference, ministries that bring joy, comfort and peace to the beloved children of God whoever they are, where ever they are.
In January 2019, the Faith congregation adopted a new mission statement:
Led by the Spirit to share God’s grace.
On Sunday, May 5, all were invited to engage in this mission so that it could inspire our shared ministry. Pastor John opened with a reflection on “Led by the Spirit.” Then participants engaged in guided discussion around “Led by the Spirit.” Feedback was collected on sticky notes, and Deacon Nina summarized the discussion for the large group. The same format was followed for “to share God’s grace.”
This is the sixth of a seven-part series to share the results of that discussion.
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