Lent and Easter

Lent. Holy Week. Easter. From the quiet reflection of Lent to the frenetic events of Holy Week and finally the wonderous celebration of Easter, this time of the year is rich in meaning and tradition. We at Faith Lutheran invite you to the various events taking place during the season, and may you find spiritual connection with God during these 40 days.

Ash Wednesday Worship

March 5, 2025  11:30 AM and 7:00 PM

Lunch follows 11:30 AM Service

Lenten Sunday Worship: And Who Is My Neighbor?

9:00 AM, March 9-April 20

In his interpretation of the Good Samaritan parable, Martin Luther described our neighbor as “any person, particularly those in need of assistance.” There are no exceptions; everyone qualifies as our neighbor. The infinite compassion and love of our Creator transcend the divisions we establish among ourselves. Furthermore, our neighbors rely on us, just as we depend on them. Throughout Lent, we will delve into ways we can embody the spirit of neighborliness in our lives, just as Jesus did for those around him.

Midweek Lenten Worship

11:30 AM Wednesdays during Lent

starting March 12-April 9

Join us on Wednesdays as we focus on the Psalms and hear songs from the choir.  Lunch follows the service.

Lenten Meditation

6:00-6:20 PM Wednesdays during Lent

starting March 12-April 9

All are invited to join in singing the Holden Evening Prayer in the quiet of the Chapel. This is a time for quiet meditation by candlelight with music by Marty Haugen, along with personal prayers spoken aloud or lifted up from our hearts.

Holy Week and Easter Events

April 13-20

starting March 12-April 9
  • April 13- Palm Sunday Worship, 9:00 AM
  • April 17- Maundy Thursday Worship, 7:00 PM
  • April 18- Good Friday Worship, 11:30 AM and 7:00 PM
  • April 20 – Easter Sunday Worship: 7:15 AM (not a full service), 8:30 AM and 10:00 AM