
Contact Us

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Contact Us

  • Phone: (651) 464-3323
  • Mailing Address: 886 North Shore Drive, Forest Lake, MN 55025



Children's Ministry Registration

Children's Ministry Registration



2024-2025 School Year

Include city

Has Your Child Had First Communion?

Has Your Child Been Baptized?

Are you members of Faith Lutheran?

Are you interested in membership?

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Please fill out the age-appropriate option. 

Are 3 to 5th Grade

My child will attend the 9:00 AM Sunday School Classes.

Kindergarten-5th Grade

My child will attend:

Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings

Radio Buttons

Your assistance is vital for the success of Faith’s Children’s Ministry Program. We appreciate your willingness to volunteer and ask that parents consider one or more options to volunteer or participate with throughout the year. If you would like more details please check the box you are interested in or contact Cathy at 651-464-3323 ext. 113 or cathyn@faithfl.org.


Photo Release
While attending events hosted by Faith Lutheran Church pictures are often taken. These photos become an integral part of ministry here. Being conscious of the society in which we live, and for the safety and well being of all people involved, we have adopted the following photo policy:
-         All photos will be taken in good taste and care will be given to photo composition
-         Photos will only be used for the promotion of Faith Lutheran Church
-         Photos will be used for in house purposes. (Bulletin Boards, Presentations, website, Facebook, and Posters
with in the church) Photos appearing on the website or social media will not have names attached unless
individuals tag themselves.
-         All photos will be utilized in a manner that is age appropriate to those in the photo

Photo Release*

I authorize my child to fully participate in Faith’s Children’s Ministry program. In the case a medical emergency arises and the emergency contact or myself cannot be reached by phone, I authorize Faith Lutheran Church and its agents to provide for my child.

I release Faith Lutheran Church and its agents, members or employees, for all liability for any accident, injury or claim arising from my child’s use of its facilities, transportation or participation in any of its programs.

I take full responsibility for any financial cost, which may be incurred, for the care of my child including emergency transportation and hospitalization.

I release Faith Lutheran Church and all of its agents from any liability for lost, stolen or damaged articles.

Do You Agree?*

A suggested donation of $25 per child ($75 family cap) will help cover the cost of curriculum and supplies. You may pay by check or cash. Label the envelope and memo line on the check as "Children's Ministry Payment" with your child's name. Drop in the offering plate or at the church office. You may also pay on-line.

I will pay by: