1,463 Pounds of Produce
Faith ministry continues, even as we remain physically distant. We celebrate God's Spirit leading us this past week.
Four leaders from Faith attended the virtual Saint Paul Area Synod Assembly. We helped reelect Bishop Lull as well as pass important resolutions opposing gun violence, standing with immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers, and encouraging anti-racism work in congregations.
With 3 days notice, our volunteers stepped up to provide dinners for a family at the Hugo Family Shelter for over a week. The sign-up filled so quickly! What an incredible group of generous people serving in this ministry to those experiencing homelessness.
1,463 pounds of produce have been collected through Faith Feeds Our Neighbor. Everything from apples to zucchini-all lovingly grown and generously donated to our neighbors.
We celebrate our awesome Christian Education volunteers! Sunday School Teachers are taking turns recording videos each week to connect with little ones. Confirmation Guides are leading Zoom meetings and attending virtual worship with their students.
Congratulations to our Children's Ministry Coordinator Kristin Phinney who was married this past weekend. The fall colors were at their peak for their beautiful outdoor wedding. Praise God!
Our Faith facility is ready for winter. The prayer garden fountain is drained and the pump is stored, the lawn sprinkler system is blown out, hoses are drained and stored in the garage, and outside spigots are turned off and drained. Thank you to the many volunteers who help care for our grounds and facilities.
As you witness ministry happening in your home or neighborhood, or as you share God's grace with others, let us know so we can celebrate with you! Email
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