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Faith Ministry Stories

A Whole Lot of Cables and a Little Sweat

Posted by Faith Lutheran Staff on

Faith ministry continues, even as we remain physically distant. We celebrate God's Spirit leading us.

Our Tech Team were awesome first responders when we discovered no internet at our sound board at 8:31 am on Sunday. Through ingenuity, a whole lot of cables and a little sweat they got everything going and our livestream was running by 9:02 am. A Sunday streaming miracle indeed!

First Communion Kids gathered to paint chalices in preparation for their First Communion. We celebrate their creativity as they prepare to receive the body and blood of Christ. 

Thank you, Souper Bowl donors!  Your food donations united us with other communities to tackle hunger using the energy of the Big Game.  

Pastor John received his first Covid 19 Moderna vaccine shot with the National Guard and saw fellow Faith member, James Varholdt, who was present to help provide the vaccine to fellow members of the guard. 

Thank you, Joy McElroy, for your powerful message on Sunday. As a congregation, we are challenged to prevent sexual exploitation in our own community. More information about Cherish All Children can be found here. 

Temperatures outside were dangerously cold on Sunday morning. What a gift that so many of us know how to do church from home, keeping us safe from frostbite.

As you witness ministry happening in your home or neighborhood, or as you share God's grace with others, let us know so we can celebrate with you! Email