All About Pastor John's Summer Sabbatical
Faith, I am gone for the summer, but a lot of work has gone on behind the scenes to prepare for this time away.
What’s the Word on the Street for my time away? You have questions? Here are some answers:
Why a sabbatical?
Last August, council member Jill Christenson shared an article with council about the importance of sabbaticals for clergy. On March 1st, I celebrated my 7th year at Faith and this summer is an ideal time for me to be gone. Faith has a long history of pastors who’ve taken sabbatical (in fact, a few served long enough to take more than one).
What am I doing for my sabbatical?
• I’ll head to the sweltering heat of Columbia, South Carolina at Fort Jack-son to complete the remainder of my Army National Guard training. The continuing education experience I receive is phenomenal and gives me more skills to bring to Faith when I return.
• I am spending time before and after my Army training to be with my family so I’m able to rejuvenate before returning to worship in the fall.
• I’ll be a tourist. South Carolina has a rich history, including Charleston and other sites that I plan to visit on my weekends. I might come back with a few stories in the fall.
Who is preaching and will it be expensive to have coverage?
• On June 4th, Rev Justin Grimm from the Saint Paul Area Synod returns. In addition, Deacon Nina will regularly lead worship and preach frequently. Other leaders from Faith will include Visitation Pastor Steve Melander, retired pastors Marlene Elmstrom and Arlyn Tolzmann, and retired Deacon Steve Arnold. Youth leader Britta Dumke will preach in August and we will hear about our ministry in Tanzania from two different guest preachers.
• Faith Lutheran has a sabbatical fund in our dedicated (non-budget) funds to pay for pulpit supply. Our budget will not be impacted because we don’t need to pay an interim pastor. We have a strong team that is able to cover my absence. The pace during summer is also manageable as senior fellowship and confirmation are not in session.
What about Holy Communion?
On the second Sunday of the month (June 11th, July 9th, and August 13th), a retired ordained pastor will preside over Holy Communion. In the fall, we will resume communion on the 2nd and 3rd Sunday each month.
What happened to the 10:30 service? Is it coming back?
Yes, we are returning to two services on September 17th. Many churches drop to one service over the summer as a stewardship of all of our volunteers, musicians, tech team, and worship leaders' time. This will likely become our new normal each summer. It’s a great opportunity to meet new faces and join in fellowship as one united congregation. You might learn new songs that surprise you in their depth and how they speak to you. Linda Burk has done a phenomenal job planning and being flexible to make this come together.
What about weddings, funerals, baptisms???
We got that covered, too.
• Pastor Marlene is helping with a few baptisms.
• There are not any weddings currently scheduled while Pastor John is gone, but if an opportunity arose, Deacon Nina would meet with the couple.
• If a loved one dies, Pastor Steve, Deacon Nina, or Pastor Marlene are all willing and able to preside over a funeral and will work around the needs of each family.
What else is going on at Faith this summer?
• A lot! Faith Feeds Our Neighbors continues—please bring in your produce all summer (on Wednesdays) that is delivered to our local food shelves.
• Summer Sunday School—where kids enjoy large group Sunday school during worship. (June 4 and 18, July 9 and 23, August 6 and 20)
• Vacation Bible School from Monday, June 19-Thursday, June 22nd
• Three full groups will attend the Boundary Waters this summer from our youth!
• Rally Day, with carnival games, pancake breakfast, and blessing of the backpacks is August 27th
• Old Guys (9:30 am at Keys) and Women of Wisdom (2 pm at Faith) continue to meet all summer
• Worship continues to stream at 9 am every Sunday and on YouTube if you want to watch worship later. Keep your spiritual life engaged while you travel or enjoy the beautiful summer weather!
Have a great summer everyone. We are thrilled to have JD and Fred Steele returning to Faith to lead us in music on Sunday, September 10th. This will be the first day of Sunday school and my first Sunday back. I can’t wait to see you!
-Pastor John
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