Be Well Faith Message for July 7, 2020
“It will not feel like a typical worship morning, but…”
Pastor John’s recent letter to the congregation started with those words. Sunday, July 12, is currently scheduled to provide an in-person worship experience (with restrictions) for individuals who choose to worship in the sanctuary for the 9:00 a.m. worship service. The live-stream/Facebook live (9:00 and 10:30) and radio (9:00) options will be available as they have been since March. Nothing changes with those opportunities. If you choose to be involved with an in-person experience, the following details will describe the experience you should expect. You’ll notice digital links to information that has been shared previously and can still be found in Faith Ministry Stories blog.
- You must preregister by calling Deanna at 651-464-3323 or emailing Deanna at You must preregister by noon on Thursday, July 9.
- You will receive a confirmation from Deanna concerning the Sunday morning experience. No more than 60 individuals will be able to take part in the sanctuary due to social distancing restrictions.
- You must wear a mask at all times: during check-in, seating, the actual service, and when leaving the building. You would be able to slip your mask down as you receive communion as you exit the service.
- Plan to arrive at Faith by 8:45, park in the north parking lot, and plan to enter at door 6. You will be directed to a greeting station outside the church. At that station, your name(s) and contact information will be checked on the registration list, you will be asked to respond to the questions on the health checklist,and your temperature will be taken. If all is good, you will enter the building and be ushered to a seat in the sanctuary.
- Individuals/couples will be seated at one end of available pews. Families or groups of 3, 4, or more will have a pew to themselves. Only groups who live/shelter together can sit next to each other.
- Restrooms, social areas, and drinking fountains are not available for use during the service. There is a plan for an emergency use should that need arise.
- Masks are to remain on for the entire service. Worship leaders, appropriately distanced, will provide singing and spoken responses.
- There will be no sharing of the peace or collection of offering during the service. An offering plate will be available as you exit the sanctuary should you choose to bring an offering.
- If you are in the sanctuary when there is communion, you will receive communion when the service concludes.
- If you are at home, have bread and wine/juice available. As the words of institution are spoken, you can say them at home! Then, take and eat.
- If you are not able to attend worship in person, but would like to receive communion at church, please call the office to make an appointment. Blocks of time are available on Tuesday afternoons and evenings.
- As you exit the sanctuary, you will receive a container with bread and wine/grape juice. You may remove your mask to have communion. Then, please reposition your mask until you are out of the building.
- You will leave the building through Door #6 (sorry, no coffee or treats in the building).
As you read this message, and reflect on the rigidity of the details, please know that this is done with love and concern for the safety and well being of the Faith family. This is not what anyone wants, but what is needed to ensure a safe environment. If being in the church building is what your soul needs, we want you to be safe. We want worship leaders to be safe. These are our utmost concerns.
One last reminder that if you are in one of the high-risk categories outlined in the past few weeks, we strongly encourage you to not attend an in-person worship experience (with restrictions).
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