Be Well Faith Update November 17, 2020

Proverbs 15:30
A bright look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the body.
Well… here we are…. Still trying to make a dent in the number of cases, still trying to come to grips with the number of deaths… still committed to:
Masking up!
Washing our hands!
Being appropriately distanced!
Not congregating in large groups!
And we need to think about our “bubble.” This graphic from MDH helps us see reality clearly. We have to be diligent in our actions and behavior.
But we are tired, aren’t we? How do we get past that feeling of disappointment over what is not happening or cannot happen, as we’d like?
We think about others! We do what we can to bring a “bright look” and “good news” to those around us. We can do this with:
- A phone call to someone who might not expect it;
- A handwritten note to a loved one, or to a stranger; (You can leave a card for a resident of Birchwood at Door 1 of Faith.)
- An email or text to a youth who could use a good word;
- A prayer for someone mentioned in the Sunday service, or someone in your family in need, or a stranger; (Want to get more serious about prayer? Join the prayer chain.)
- A shout out to the neighbor at their mailbox, or shoveling their drive;
- A fresh baked cookie for the folks in your house;
Just remember, bringing a “bright look” or “good news” to another not only benefits the receiver, but the “sender” as well. That would be YOU! Find a way to bring joy to another, and you will also bring joy to yourself. We can take one step at a time together, Faith! We can get through this together! Be Well!
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