Be Well Faith Update September 29, 2020

Posted by Be Well Team on September 29, 2020

Friends of Faith,

With an abundance of caution, and our hope to keep everyone safe with established protocols, we are announcing a change for in-person service offerings starting on Sunday, Oct. 4, 2020. We ask that you please read this entire message carefully. None of us are “out of the woods” yet, in relation to COVID. Many of us are having all of our needs met through live streaming service opportunities. But as Pastor John interacts with congregational members in areas of pastoral care, we know there are members who want to be able to come back into the sanctuary at a worship time and for a service offering that brings them comfort.

The church council has approved a recommendation for the following changes established through discernment by church staff and the Be Well Faith committee. Those interested in attending do not need to call into the church office to attend a service of their choice. We do ask that those attending arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of any service to facilitate health check-in and seating protocols.

Those interested in attending will be required to go through a health check-in, with temperature check and health wellness questions at Door 6. That is the main entrance on the north side of the building.

Those attending must be masked at all times, and be seated as directed by the ushers. On communion Sundays, communion will be available after the service as attendees exit the building.

At this time, we are not announcing a “number” that will be allowed into the sanctuary. We are not anticipating a large number, and hope to be able to accommodate those who are interested. However, if there is a larger number than expected, some may be asked to not enter the building. We will be flexible with this moving forward.

For both services, attendees are asked to participate “in their hearts”, with no formal singing or spoken response.

Sunday morning, October 4, 9:00 a.m. in-person worship will be available with seating on the pulpit side of the sanctuary, and 10:30 a.m. in-person worship will be available with seating on the organ side of the sanctuary. For both services, depending on whether those attending are individuals, couples, or families, you will be seated with appropriate distancing and empty pews between areas.

If you have any questions, please call the church office at 651-464-3323 or send an email to or . Be Well, Faith!

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