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Faith Ministry Stories

Catching Up With Council February 2021

Posted by Jennifer Tolzmann on

After Faith’s  “Annual Meeting “ sharing during the Sunday, January 24, worship service, Pastor John asked if we could share a little more information about our Faith Church Council with members who may not be familiar with this group.

As defined in our constitution, “the Congregation Council shall have general oversight of the life and activities of this congregation, and in particular its worship life, to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Word of God and the faith and practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.”  There are 10 specific responsibilities listed in this section of the constitution, but there are about 8 more major headings which define responsibilities for financial and property matters, employment and supervision matters, reporting to the congregation, and rules for membership of the Council and meeting protocol.

Our constitution calls for the Council to meet monthly, and to be made up of no more than 12 elected congregational members. Our current Council membership includes 9 congregational members, along with Pastor John and Deacon Nina. We meet the second Tuesday of each month for several hours.  For the past year, we have submitted a Catching Up with Council blog shortly after each meeting. The blog entries for this past year can be found here. 

The “Congregation Council” is responsible for hosting an annual meeting each year. As soon as there is clearance for in-person gatherings that would allow for unlimited attendance, the Council will plan an in-person meeting to review and conduct the business of the congregation. It is our hope that this will be able to happen by early summer.

In the meantime, reach out to the complete Council at with any questions, concerns or celebrations you would like to share. Our next meeting is scheduled, virtually, for Tuesday, February 9.