Catching Up With Council November 10, 2020
The Faith Church Council met on Tuesday, November 10, 2020, online, for the regularly scheduled monthly meeting. Old and New Business topics included:
- Continued discussions on creating a balanced budget to present for 2021. The proposed budget will be
-Mission based, using the results of the current Stewardship for All Seasons campaign
-COVID based, using current projections and needs that are coming out of the pandemic challenges
-Subject to review and adjustment in the months ahead.
The Council is grateful to the organization and efforts of Joyce Getchell, the Finance Committee, and staff members contributing to this work.
- Updates from Pastor John on his National Guard process. His first extended training period is still planned to occur January 21, 2021 – March 4, 2021. However, the pandemic could affect that at some point. The needs in the areas of pulpit supply and pastoral care coverage have already been addressed for this time.
- Discussion around the season of Advent, Christmas and events related to both. The Worship Experience Team has met and has plans well underway for these two important seasons of the church year. While there will be no in-person worship offerings for Christmas this year, the opportunity to take part in worship will be abundant between our live–stream, radio and archived links. There are also wonderful plans for decorations and drive through opportunities in the prayer garden and circle area. Stay tuned for more information in the very near future.
- Update from the Be Well Faith Committee. With the rise of cases of COVID, and information from the Minnesota Department of Health, Pastor John and the team, have talked and Council has agreed that the volunteer support and worship assistant support for services at Faith will be dialed back to limit those in the building on Sundays. For the immediate future, Communion will not be offered in person on Sundays, but will still be available for those who are watching or listening at home to incorporate into their experience on the first and second Sundays.
- Beginning planning for a modified Annual Meeting. The Synod is working with congregations to create a plan. More information will be available in December.
- Council continues to appreciate the work of the Christian Education Team, led by Cathy Nelson. The Hallowed Event was an awesome experience for all who participated. Engagement between confirmation students is still limited, and will be monitored based on protocols of the surrounding school districts. Sunday School participants can look forward to interacting via ZOOM in the weeks ahead.
The Council is grateful to the congregation and community for their continued financial support, prayers, and outreach to neighbors in need. We are in this TOGETHER. We have an awesome opportunity to serve our God in new and exciting ways! Amen!
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