Catching Up with Council – September 2021
On Tuesday, September 14, 2021, the Faith Church Council met in-person and on Zoom, for the regularly scheduled monthly meeting. After a devotion based on Philippians 2: 1-4, and a time of prayer for identified needs, old and new business topics included:
- Mary Frances, Faith’s coach for the Liberating Structures process, joined our meeting via Zoom. She shared an overview of where we’ve been in the process to date: congregational timeline/history, SWOT analysis (Strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats), congregational vitality survey, one-on-one conversations. Our next steps will be to meet with other congregations involved in the process on September 25.
- Discussed time spent on 1x1 conversations to this point: Conversations are informational, building relationships and allowing people to feel heard. If you are reading this and would like to meet with someone one-on-one, please reach out to the church office and we’ll connect you with someone.
- Review of August financials and possible change of insurance carrier. We are so grateful to the Finance committee for their dedication and insight. This congregation continues to support the work of Faith with great generosity! Thank you Faith!
- How can Faith graciously invite people into hospitality ministry? This includes readers, communion servers, hosts, Welcome Center and more. We will continue to discuss ways to help members use their spiritual gifts for service.
- Updates from Pastor John and Deacon Nina on busy days and events.
The Council offers thanks and praise to God for the dedication and leadership of the army of volunteers and congregational members who support this church in so many ways! Thank you to our intrepid staff and volunteers, juggling a variety of fall events: Faith’s Fall Kick-off; Mission Matters; funeral serving; grounds beautification; start-up of Sunday School and Confirmation. Faith Lutheran is AWESOME and ALIVE! Amen!
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