Catching Up With the Council-February 8, 2022
Reach out to the Council with any questions at any time by emailing . Thanks for being partners in the life of the congregation.
On Thursday, February 3, 2022, the Faith Church Council met on Zoom, to welcome/introduce new council members to the work of the group. This meeting was moved from the regularly scheduled meeting (Feb. 8) due to some conflicts for attendance. The devotion was based on Matthew 9: 10-17, particularly verses 16-17, “No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch will pull away from the garment, making the tear worse. Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.” The group then spent time sharing our stories, history with Faith, and hopes for the year ahead. We also shared a time of prayer for identified needs. Discussion points for the night included:
- Review of meeting process and council responsibilities for everyone.
- Review of all current projects and work, including finances, the business administrator search, Liberating Structures, stewardship, Circle of Welcome, Planting Hope, and Pastor John’s National Guard schedule.
- Election of congregational officers for 2022:
o President – Jennifer Tolzmann
o Vice President – Larry Tietje
o Secretary – Christine Davis
o Treasurer – Joe Mollner
- Completion of Council related questions for the annual Synod report
- Moving the March meeting to March 15, 2022 so as not to conflict with Forest Lake spring break.
During the Annual Meeting/Worship on January 23, 2022, the 5 “value” statements that were created through the council’s participation in the Liberating Structures process were shared. The council would like to share those in writing with you. We look at these as our “marching orders” for the work of all Faith ministry areas moving forward.
Value Statements to Support Faith’s Mission and Vision Statements
-Faith Lutheran Church practices our faith in action as we make a difference in the life of our congregation, the community, and the world.
-Faith Lutheran Church is grounded in caring, as we work to provide a sense of well-being, hope, and growth for all members and communities.
-Faith Lutheran Church provides service through acts of selflessness, outreach, and advocacy.
-Faith Lutheran Church has a heart of generosity, which includes gifts of time, talent, and financial resources.
-Faith Lutheran Church is a space that thrives on and promotes relationships, built on worship, prayer, education, and outreach.
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