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Faith Ministry Stories

Showing items for 'From the Parish Nurse'


Posted by Jean Peikert, RN on

One in three people will get shingles in their lifetime. If you have had the chicken pox virus, the chicken pox never leaves your body. It stays in your nervous system, and can re-emerge and cause the rash called shingles. You never know when this can happen. Unlike chicken pox, shingles can be...

Giant Cell Ateritis

Posted by Jean Peikert, RN on

What is giant cell arteritis (GCA) and is it serious? Giant Cell Arteritis is characterized by inflammation of the linings of larger blood vessels, usually in the head and often around the temple. Its cause is unknown, but it seems to affect older people but not always. It is also twice as...

The Immune System

Posted by Jean Peikert, RN on

The Immune System is a complex and powerful mechanism. The primary function of the immune system is to defend the body from pathogens, which are disease-causing organisms such as viruses and bacteria. Tissues, cells, and proteins in the immune system work together to achieve this function. To...

Ticks and Lyme Disease

Posted by Jean Peikert, RN on

Warm weather is here and so are dangerous disease carrying ticks. Protecting yourself against a bite is your best bet against illnesses like Lyme Disease. Here are some tips to prevent tick bites. Hire a pest control expert to chemically treat your yard. Use a Deet-based repellant on your skin...

Dear Graduates of 2018

Posted by Jean Peikert, RN on

Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 Wow! What a promise God gives us if we wait on the Lord. What a great event, graduation from high school! You have...

Get Fit Bit by Bit

Posted by Jean Peikert, RN on

Finding time for fitness is hard to do in this busy life that we lead. If we can wedge a work out bit by bit, it is possible. Dr. Levine, a physician at the Mayo Clinic, says we don’t need to log more time at the gym. Instead we need to change our sedentary ways by easy bursts of activity...


Posted by Jean Peikert, RN on

Spring is here and along with that so are contact sports: track, soccer, baseball, school playgrounds, etc. It is also a time when we need to think about concussions and the importance of recognizing them and getting proper treatment. A concussion is a brain injury caused by blunt head trauma...

Life Line Screening

Posted by Jean Peikert, RN on

Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, is pleased to offer a preventive health event at Faith on March 8, 2018. Five screenings will be offered that scan for potential health problems related to: blocked arteries which is a leading cause of...

Signs of a Heart Attack

Posted by Jean Peikert, RN on

February is heart month so we will concentrate on heart disease and take time to educate ourselves about this vital organ. Because seconds count during a heart attack, the lack of knowledge could be deadly. Many people don’t experience the usual chest pains that often happen with a heart...

Our Savior's Birth

Posted by Jean Peikert, RN on

"Christmas is a time of new life. The dead leaves and bare ground are covered with a crisp white blanket of snow. Whatever has succumbed to the frost will become new soil, ready to welcome the flowers of spring. There is a hope at Christmastime, an expectation of new miracles. As a Christian, we...