Council Catch Up August 2020
On Tuesday, August 11, 2020, your Faith Lutheran Church Council met virtually to carry out the regularly scheduled August meeting. The council continues to be amazed at the generosity of spirit playing out in the congregation at this time! They continue to say, “Thank you, Faith…” for the financial support, prayer support, volunteer support, and compassion for community, the state, and the world.
Topics of discussion included
- Good news with the ongoing budget income and expenditures. There will be more news coming next month regarding possible budget adjustments and expenditures. Faith is in a good position at this time, and may be able to look ahead to completing some deferred maintenance items.
- Gratefulness for the discernment and wisdom being shown by the Sacred Settlement Development Team. Conversations are occurring to get more information into the hands of the congregation.
- Thanks for the ongoing work of the Be Well, Faith team as in-person (with restrictions) worship opportunities continue, staff health protocols are in place, and the challenges in our county and state continue to be monitored.
- Excitement over the work and goal identification of the Stewardship for All Seasons Despite the challenges in the world, the team has identified 3 key areas for focus for the fall messaging around stewardship.
The council continues to pray for the wellness of our congregation and celebrates the work of our staff and volunteers. Questions for council members? Send and email to and all members will receive your thoughts.
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