Faithful Celebrations - April 19, 2021
Flower Fundraiser
Thank you to all who donated to our flower fundraiser. We surpassed our appeal goal, raising a total of $2,144. Wow! Your financial gifts will be used for decorating projects throughout the year that honor God in our sanctuary and facility. Check out the video below to see the Spring flowers!
Abundance Campaign Update
Thanks to everyone who has donated so far to the Abundance Campaign. We currently have 18 donors who gave nearly $8,000 to the campaign! If you want to take part, you can give with online donations or by check with the word "ABUNDANCE" in the memo. The money raised will be split between sanctuary and kitchen upgrades and giving the rest away to local food shelves, housing support, and refugee services.
Easter Basket Thanks
Faith is excited for Easter Sunday! Volunteers made Easter baskets that were delivered to homebound members this Holy Week! They assembled the baskets with treats and devotional items at church and coordinated with more volunteers to deliver the baskets.
During Holy Week, volunteers were busy in the Narthex of Faith making Easter baskets for our homebound members. We received a number of notes offering thanks for the kindness of people from Faith. Here are a few of those messages of thanks:
"Thanks so much for the Easter basket, it was very appreciated!"
"My heartfelt thanks to the Pastors John & Steve and the staff and ALL the faithful members who give of their time, talents, energy, and devotion so that I can still feel connected and included in the life of my dear Faith Lutheran Church. Thank you too, for the lovely surprise Easter basket with all the “goodies” it contained. Love it and the card! I’m appreciative of all the goodness of Faith Lutheran."
"Wanted to let you know I had a sweet note from ______. She is seeing services online & she had 2nd shot & appreciated cards."
Thank you to all the volunteers who help to keep the connections between our homebound members and the wider faith community!
Confirmation Class Prepares
The Church After Quarantine
Learning to Listen
Monica Jones, from Cherish All Children, joined Pastor John for our sermon on April 18 as they explored online exploitation, parenting in the digital age, and how we talk to each other in love, despite the tensions around events in the Twin Cities. Here is a snippet of that conversation.
You can watch the rest of the interview here.
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