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Faith Ministry Stories

How You Can Help

Posted by Deacon Nina Joygaard on

During this time of stay-in-place orders, it is hard to know how to help.  Especially when the ways that we can help are very different from what we might normally do. Here are some thoughts of how to stay connected and serve your neighbor in Christ’s love.

Stay home.  Our bishop has reminded our synod’s clergy that this is how we love our neighbor.  So many people are vulnerable to this illness – and we don’t necessarily know who might have an underlying health condition or who has a weakened immune system. I stay home not because I am afraid of getting sick – but because I love the many people in our church and community who may be more vulnerable than I am.  I stay home to keep my siblings well.

Pray.  Pray for those you know who are affected by this. Pray for your friends and neighbors laid off or furloughed from work. Pray for parents at home trying to be teachers. Pray for those who must choose between their health and a paycheck. Pray for those who are isolated and alone. AND pray with thanksgiving for those things that you get to experience (like family time) or let go of in these days. Check out our prayer calendar for more prayer suggestions or join our prayer chain by emailing

Volunteer. Email our leadership at to be added to our volunteer list.  Volunteers have run errands, made phone calls to shut-ins, and more. We anticipate more needs will arise and you have the opportunity to say yes or no to requests. You don’t need to leave the house either! One person I know is high-risk, but was able to organize a program to feed kids in his apartment building without leaving his home.

Give Blood.  Blood supplies are short right now and there are actually several blood drives in our area.  Please make sure you have permission from your medical provider or know you are not at risk to donate.

Make a Financial Gift. We are getting more requests than usual at Faith for financial support. If you are able, consider making a special donation to our “Direct Assistance” fund.  This fund helps those struggling to cover their basic needs – like clothing and gasoline.  My husband and I both are still able to work, so we made a special gift to this fund for those who can’t – knowing that many are struggling right now. Non-profits that serve those struggling financially are in special need during this time too. Consider making a donation to Family Pathways or another organization that serves those who are vulnerable during this time.

Make a Call. Our interactions and chance encounters with folks have become few and far between. Take this time as an opportunity to intentionally connect with someone.  I have been writing cards and making calls to relatives and friends I don’t hear from often to check in during this time.  One member at Faith called everyone in the ministry they serve with.  I love this! Follow this person’s lead, and call those who are on a team with you, who sit near you at worship, or who you feel the Holy Spirit’s nudge to reach out to.

What ideas do you have for ways that people can be helpers & show God’s love for the neighbor during this time?

Sidewalk art created by Faith members to provide hope and encouragement to neighbors.