New Sunday Schedule Begins October 1
Starting October 1st, Faith begins something new and exciting. We worshiped as one congregation throughout the summer and loved being united. We will return to one service at 9 am with uplifting music from multiple genres and styles. We lean into our strength: community. Sunday morning will bring us together through additional engagement points.
9 am: Worship with Sunday School and all musicians
10-10:30 am: Faith Break (coffee and treats in the North Lobby), Small Groups (like Prayer Lab), Music opportunities (children’s group, rehearsals, potential band jam sessions in the sanctuary)
10:30-11:15am: Brewed Theology (Adult Education in the North Lobby), we’re starting an interactive curriculum! Join intentional conversations on contemporary issues with theological depth. This will be led by Pastor John or Deacon Nina and anyone is welcome to attend.
Open Gym for kids preschool-elementary age with adult supervision/confirmation student leadership.
There will not be a worship service at 10:30 starting October 1st.
Come and see, meet others, and enjoy deeper conversations to engage your faith!
Upcoming Brewed Theology Schedule:
Oct 1: “Nones” and “Dones”: Losing our religion?
Oct 8: Christians, Creation, and Cl*mate Ch*nge:
Oct 15: Jesus and Politics
Oct 22: Dying Well: It’s going to happen to all of us, so let’s talk about preparing, providing, promises.
Oct 29: Affluenza (yes, you read that right): Do we have it? Wealth—gift or curse?
New to Faith lunches, Grief Groups, committee meetings, and other support ministries will be available after 11:15 in the future.
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