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Faith Ministry Stories

Prayer Resource Books

Posted by Deacon Nina Joygaard on

God is present and relentlessly loving us – especially in these times of uncertainty, grief, fear, frustration, and all the other emotions and situations that we are experiencing in a global pandemic.

Faith’s Adult Education Team, Prayer Lab Team, and I (Deacon Nina) have chosen key resources that have impacted our faith and prayer lives. If you are looking to spend some time learning, reflecting, and expanding your spiritual practices – here are a few great places to start.

May you find a resource, suggestion, or new prayer practice that nourishes your soul and helps you connect with your Creator.

Clowning in Rome: Reflections on Solitude, Celibacy, Prayer, and Contemplation by Henri J. M. Nouwen. Chapter 3 on “Prayer and Thought” is especially powerful. Nouwen speaks of prayer as us redirecting our natural thought process outward into an ongoing dialogue with the living, ever-present God.

Confessions of a Prayer Wimp by Mary Pierce. Pierce deals with our fumbling attempts to grow closer to God, encouraging us as she invites us to laugh, cry, love, embrace life, and pray! You’ll come to understand that faith is less about what you are or do or say, and more about who God is—someone who loves you no matter what you do.

Discovering God’s Will for Your Life from the Women of Faith Study Guide Series. Chapter 7 is “Praying For God’s Will” and has been a great resource for me!

Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essential Prayers by Ann Lamott. This is an easy read, in which Lamott outlines the three simple prayers essential to coming through tough times, difficult days and the hardships of daily life.

Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis. In particular, letter #4 where Lewis points to our penchant to use prayer as a gateway to good inner feelings rather that an avenue to revealing the ‘real nakedness’ of our souls. The letter is a stitch, greatly entertaining, and uncomfortably convicting.  I highly recommend it to anyone seeking to grow in their life of prayer.

Soul Feast by Marjorie J. Thompson is a modern classic. This introduction to contemporary spiritual practices gives us new appreciation of the value of the church and nurtures our own spiritual practices.   

52 Lists for Calm and other journals in this series lead you through guided journaling practices in list-making to bring calm, peace, and gratitude into your life.