Sharing God's Grace

Posted November 16, 2020

The world around us is operating largely out of a model of scarcity this year. Supplies of toilet paper and hand sanitizer, yeast and bread, lumber and more have been in short supply. But at Faith, we live out God’s generosity and joyfully continue to share. We continue to support the ongoing ministry of Faith. Praise God! We even collect special offerings to help our neighbors financially, support justice work with our partners in Saint Paul and Minneapolis, and together we grew and donated more than 1,566 pounds of fresh produce to our local food shelves. Thanks be to God! 

In 2021, we will continue to Praise God and celebrate God’s generous blessings. Our church will grow our generosity by radically sharing our abundance, changing lives through food, housing, justice, mission work and resource sharing initiatives.  A new innovative program will provide matching funds of up to $15,000 to community and international ministry partners. This matching fund program will inspire congregational generosity in benevolence and multiply your giving impact in the world. We Praise God for collaborative and cooperative work and will increase our mission support to the Saint Paul Area Synod.

Be sure to read the letter that you will received in the mail. Study the Stewardship brochure that will be enclosed. Pray for a generous response by the congregation to this appeal. Consider prayerfully how you will respond to the invitation to Praise God by increasing your gifts to Faith. The Lord will continue to bless these gifts as they are used to share God’s love everywhere!

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