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Faith Ministry Stories

Sustain Ministry Excellence

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Faith continues to be led by God’s Holy Spirit to renew and invigorate the ministry we do within our walls and out in our communities.  Your offerings provide ongoing support of the overall operation of Faith Lutheran, ensuring that the ministries you care about thrive. We graciously welcome people into our space and engage a vibrant online community with the leadership of our council and staff.  We inspire and support spiritual growth through music, messages, prayer, and pastoral care. We equip and send out Christians in ministry through small groups, ministry teams, and education for all ages. What we do matters in supporting people and witnessing God’s love. 

The goal of the Praise God Stewardship Appeal is to increase offerings by $95,000.  This will allow us to fully accomplish the ministry priorities listed above. Your gifts impact hearts, lives, families, and God’s mission here and around the world.

Please pray about our congregation’s mission and ministry together. Pray about your offering for the next year. Together as we reach out with the Gospel to one another and to our greater community, the Lord will bring blessings to you, to the congregation, and to the world. Praise God! Thank you for being part of this exciting congregation.