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Faith Ministry Stories

Synod Assembly Highlights

Posted by Deacon Nina Joygaard on

A wonderful group of folks from Faith attended the Saint Paul Area Synod Assembly in May. We were part of worship, business, connecting with others, and learning about so many different ministries at a mission fair. Here are some thoughts our voting members shared:

Support and participation from the congregation is integral to the work of the Saint Paul Area Synod. Along with the uplifting worship and music experienced at the Assembly, delegates get to see the business workings of the Synod, have a voice on behalf of Faith in the workings of the greater church, and celebrate exciting moments... like the reception of the newest congregation to the Synod, Eternal Flame Lutheran Church, Vadnais Heights. It is a joy to be able to see God's transforming hand at work in new congregations, in the Planting Hope campaign, and in the work of our partners in Iringa and Guatemala.  ~Jennifer


I loved visiting the mission booths.  Seeing people of all ages picking a small niche to make a difference.  It reinforced my belief in the power of one person to make the world a better place. I was surprised to run into a few friends from other parts of my life at Synod.  It made me feel connected with our lives intertwined. On random chance I met a Nigerian pastor of First Lutheran Church - supposedly the first St Paul parish.  We had an interesting talk about homes, surviving Covid, future endeavors.  Rich conversation.  I don't think I have ever spoken to someone from Nigeria.

At the entrance to the door there was a bronze statue of a homeless person sleeping on a bench. It made me think, then I noticed the holes in the feet [like Jesus].  It really made me think. ~Betty


I really enjoyed the Synod Assembly.   It was really good to hear how the Synod’s strategic plans came together, reaching most of their goals.  It was good to hear about changes they were proposing and having the ability to vote on those changes.  I also learned about the process of running an official meeting, including on the process of voting in changes. ~Mike



I am thankful and glad I was able to be a part of the Synod Assembly. I feel I learned a lot on how the Synod operates and how things work. To witness all the enthusiasm for the Eternal Flame church and their desire to reach their goal was exciting. And to attend this with Lloyd (father in-law) was pretty cool also.  ~Don



We are church together! Our congregation is part of a vibrant network of churches in our area who work together, worship together, and support each other in mission, ministry, vitality and more! We are blessed to be part of and partners with the Saint Paul Area Synod.


-Deacon Nina