To Walk Together

Posted by Jennifer Tolzmann on September 28, 2020

Did you know the word "synod" means "to walk together"? That definition will inform my thinking of "synod business" moving forward. 

The 2 partial days of "zooming" went really smoothly. The big, and I think really exciting and happy news, was that Bishop Lull was re-elected for a second 6 year term. She is truly a leader, a listener, a respectful and compassionate individual. I do not think we could be in better hands at this time. 

The Assembly was treated to updates on the work of the Synod in Guatemala, Iringa, and in our local mission development and renewal in this area. The Synod also recognized and shared powerful stories of women in ministry. 

I am proud to say I got to vote in favor of and see the approval of 3 resolutions that make me feel like the church did something positive. And I feel the synod is prepared to take action and encourage congregations to do the same.

  1. Resolution 2020-1: Love Your Neighbor—A Resolution Opposing Gun Violence.
  2. Resolution 2020-2: A Resolution to Stand with Immigrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers
  3. Resolution 2020-3: A Resolution Encouraging and Facilitating the Use of Anti-Racism Resources for Congregations

There was a hymn composition contest and we were introduced to co-winners, and one runner-up. There was one that really touched my heart called, With All Our Heart. It is a very sing-able and welcoming hymn. The lyrics were beautiful. All the winners were good, but this one spoke most strongly to me. I'm sure we'll engage with it in the congregation soon.  

Grand Prize Winners:

Honorable Mention:

I also wanted to share a prayer that was used to open the assembly. I thought it was beautifully written and the language said so much about where we are right now.  

God, We have arrived at the gift of another day. Help us not to squander it by giving in to fear: Fear that is being sold on every corner, by every party, by every panicked conspiracy theory believing cousin on Facebook. 

We know you slipped into the world as a brown-skinned baby boy (when the world was sort of a mess). 

We trust you continue to slip in. Give us eyes to see you. Help us not miss the beautiful ways you are healing the world, binding up our broken hearts, setting us free with a word. 

Give us courage to do our work. Keep these leaders, this church, this freshly re-elected Bishop in your good care. Amen.

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