Undeserved Love

Posted by Joyce Getchell on July 18, 2019

Grace is undeserved love.  It is God’s kindly attitude toward sinners like us. Our salvation comes from God’s faithful love, not from anything we do.

So how do we share this great love?  Through our interactions with others as a loving response to God’s gift.

What does “to share God’s grace” mean to you? What does it mean to the Faith congregation?

It means actions grounded in love, friendship and kindness.  When we forgive others (without condition! that’s a tough one) we share God’s grace. Praying and sharing, reaching out and helping others are responses to God’s gift. When we are a role model for children, we share God’s grace. When we support and listen to others, we share God’s grace.  When we share of our time and talents, we share God’s grace.

What an incredible list of qualities! By grace alone. We are at peace with God because of God.  Romans 3:22-24

In January 2019, the Faith congregation adopted a new mission statement:

Led by the Spirit to share God’s grace.

On Sunday, May 5, all were invited to engage in this mission so that it could inspire our shared ministry. Pastor John opened with a reflection on “Led by the Spirit.” Then participants engaged in guided discussion around “Led by the Spirit.” Feedback was collected on sticky notes, and Deacon Nina summarized the discussion for the large group. The same format was followed for “to share God’s grace.”

This is the fourth of a seven-part series to share the results of that discussion.


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