Young Disciples

Posted by Faith Lutheran Staff on November 18, 2020

Faith ministry continues, even as we remain physically distant. We celebrate God's Spirit leading us this past week.

On Sunday, November 15, 2nd graders received "Hands On" Bibles. What an important milestone for the seven children who were present.  It was wonderful to see families in person, while taking precautions to keep everyone safe. We look forward to another distribution for those who couldn't attend this time. Join us in praying for these young disciples. 

Speaking of safety, THANK YOU for making wise choices during this pandemic. Those who come to our building respectfully follow safety protocols. Those who worship and participate from home continue to stay engaged and encourage one another.  Faith staff so appreciates your support. Your cards, phone calls, texts, emails, smiles and waves lift our spirits. 

We celebrate that Faith continues to support those who are grieving.  With our livestreaming capabilities, large numbers are able to virtually gather to celebrate lives. Gretchen Kunshier's funeral was viewed live  on 172 devices and has had 422 views on YouTube. This ministry matters. Especially during pandemic, what a gift it is to be able to share God's healing love with those who mourn. 

Seven Faith members recently participated in a virtual conversation led by Lenny Duncan. This multi-congregational event centered around social justice and racial reconciliation in the church. Thank you for boldly facing challenging social issues by listening and supporting positive change.

We celebrate your early and generous response to our Stewardship campaign.  We already have 44 statements of intent; 36 of those have increased their intended level of support.  Sunday, November 22 is our Praise God Sunday. We have been learning about the exciting ministries Faith is called to expand in 2021: Continued Ministry Excellence, Virtual Church 2.0, Sharing God’s Grace with radical generosity. We Praise God for all the blessings in our lives and for the ministry of Faith Lutheran Church. Together, as we respond to the invitation to live generously and to be the church, we will reach the goal for 2021. You can submit your Statement of Intent through the mail, drop off at church, or complete online here: 

Every Statement of Intent is celebrated with a ribbon in our prayer garden. Come drive by and take a look!

As you witness ministry happening in your home or neighborhood, or as you share God's grace with others, let us know so we can celebrate with you! Email      

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