Praise God for Worship Technology (all 70 components)!

Posted by Joyce Getchell on June 07, 2021

Spoiler alert: If you read this blog you may learn about plenum-rated cables.

In 2017, a successful Faith capital campaign supported 4 initiatives: audio/visual worship technology upgrades, mortgage reduction, reserve fund, and a mission grant program. Thank you to all who so generously supported this campaign! 

The technology upgrades, consisting of 70 different components, improved the audio and visual experience in the sanctuary. The upgrades also made it possible for us to continue to worship together, without interruption, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Praise God for the vision of this campaign!   Upgrade components included microphones and speakers, cameras and projectors, a digital scaler, HDMI matrix switcher, plenum-rated cables, and much more.  One of the components was a soundboard that unexpectedly failed on May 5. 

Our Tech Team and audio-visual supplier quickly responded with testing and determined that repairing the existing board was not feasible. We ordered a new soundboard (expected to arrive in late June) and set up a temporary system using old equipment that allowed us to continue to live stream without interruption. Thank you, Tech Team!

We are grateful that all other components of the 2017 technology upgrades continue to function well, providing a meaningful worship experience both to those attending in-person as well as those listening and streaming from home.  We are grateful for our temporary backup soundboard and the ingenuity of those who hooked it up. We are grateful for our ability to welcome all safely to worship during a pandemic and beyond.

And yes, we are ever grateful for plenum-rated cables and especially for those who know how to use them!

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