
Posted by Faith Lutheran Staff on September 16, 2020

Faith ministry continues, even as we remain physically distant. We celebrate God's Spirit leading us this past week.

September 13th, Rally Day (COVID style) was Rally-Tastic!

Backpacks were blessed.

Fifty take home Sunday School bags were picked up with even more going out this week. 

Kids decorated banners that will be hung upstairs in our Education Wing.  It was a wonderful morning of coming safely together to re-connect and focus on our Christian Education year ahead.

Hooray for a return of Wednesday night worship! 53 devices were connected during the livestream on September 9 (many with 2 or more viewers), with additional viewers watching the recorded version on Facebook.   Our 75 Confirmation students are doing a great job of participating! Each week they email responses to questions asked during worship.

We are building a Tiny Home! Thanks to the Sacred Settlement Development Team for keeping us updated on this exciting endeavor, and for creating a survey for the congregation to inform next steps in our fight against chronic homelessness. Click this link to read the full update and to complete the survey.

We celebrate with Pastor John, who was sworn in as a captain in the Minnesota National Guard this past weekend. He will serve as a chaplain and continues as lead pastor at Faith.

While not surprising considering the pandemic, it is still incredible how traffic to Faith's website has increased in the last 6-8 months.  It spiked in March and April when COVID first hit, and has maintained 40% increases month over month ever since. Visits are longer and more frequent.  We celebrate the ability to connect over our website!

As you witness ministry happening in your home or neighborhood, or as you share God's grace with others, let us know so we can celebrate with you! Email      

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