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Faith Ministry Stories

Showing items for 'Deacon Nina Joygaard'

End-of-Year Giving

Posted by Deacon Nina Joygaard on

Dear Friends in Faith, We are entering the long-awaited season of Advent. This year, I am embracing a practice of contemplation and reflection and invite you to join me. In the midst of so much uncertainty and challenge – God has been present, steadfast, and provided for us. God has...

A Contemplative Advent

Posted by Deacon Nina Joygaard on

The Prayer Lab team invites you to a Grand Re-Opening of the Faith Chapel for Advent this year. We’re celebrating “Contemplative Advent” with prayer stations to explore and spend time in prayer in the Faith Chapel.    Please come explore the chapel with guided...

Prayer Lab Minute: Episode 69

Posted by Deacon Nina Joygaard on

Praying together as a family is a powerful and important ritual.  I encourage you to start this fun and meaningful prayer practice in your household! All ages and stages can use this practice at their own level. Here is this week's Prayer Lab.  

We Just Gave Away $20,000!

Posted by Deacon Nina Joygaard on

This spring we had a crazy idea to launch an Abundance Campaign. We invited you, Faith, to give out of your abundance with tax returns, bonuses, and government stimulus payments. We challenged you to ask if God was calling you to generosity out of your abundance. And we promised that we would be...

The Ones We Love and Care For

Posted by Deacon Nina Joygaard on

At Faith, we have incredible volunteer ministries of outreach, connection and support. Faith continues to make an impact on the lives of those in our community. One of the often-unseen ways that we love and care for each other comes through pastoral care behind the scenes. Our ministers lead...

Share the Love Through Gardening

Posted by Deacon Nina Joygaard on

  Kids, green-thumb explorers and master gardeners are invited to join us for a second year of Faith Feeds Our Neighbor. Come pick up FREE tomato and pepper plants, or bean seeds from Faith. Then plant in your garden or a pot on the patio and care for that plant. When it starts to produce...

Learning to Travel Light

Posted by Deacon Nina Joygaard on

Down through the ages pilgrims on the road to popular pilgrimage destinations such as the Holy Land, Rome, or Santiago de Compostela would only bring with them what they could carry. A pilgrim’s possessions consisted of a cloak for warmth, a satchel or bindle in which to store a few...

50 Episodes of Prayer Lab Minute

Posted by Deacon Nina Joygaard on

We have now created 50 different episodes of Prayer Lab Minute for Faith. Before the pandemic started, we had Prayer Lab sessions for in-person prayer. We call it Prayer Lab because it is a place of experimentation, trial, observation, and learning. After the pandemic started, Pastor John asked...

Indoor Lenten Labyrinth

Posted by Deacon Nina Joygaard on

Our indoor prayer labyrinth is now open! Come through Door 1 to experience this unique prayer opportunity. It can be especially meaningful to walk a labyrinth during the journey of Lent, as we physically move through the labyrinth space. Praying through a labyrinth is an ancient prayer practice...

Beautiful Connections: About Shobi's Table

Posted by Deacon Nina Joygaard on

Thank you to all who continue to support the work of Local Mission in the Saint Paul Area Synod. Our new starts and redevelopments are making beautiful connections in their communities as together we serve God.   Shobi's Table is a food truck ministry and mission development supported by...