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Faith Ministry Stories

Catching Up With Council February 9 2021

Posted by Jennifer Tolzmann on

The Faith Church Council met virtually on Tuesday, February 9, 2021, for the regularly scheduled monthly meeting. Old and New Business topics included:

-Review of January financials and the 2020 year end report from the auditor.
-Update of the search for a Communications Manager, including interview dates and interview committee membership.
-Motion to support the opportunity for 3 weeks of regulated, reservation-based, in-person Sunday School opportunities for April 11, 18, 25, providing such meetings would be acceptable at that time.
-Motion to continue the current Council officer positions as is, until a time when an in-person congregational meeting can be held, and new council members elected.
-Formation of a task force to research possible “restoration” opportunities for pews in the sanctuary.
-Motion to support the work of the Prayer Garden committee moving forward with the installation of a second columbarium in the Prayer Garden area. Funding is already in place for this work.
-Reviewed schedule for Lenten services, including Ash Wednesday plans, upcoming confirmation planning, and looking ahead to Easter.

The Council continues with an “attitude of gratitude” for the congregational and community financial support, prayers, and outreach in this time of COVID. Thanks to our staff and congregational members for their dedication and persistence in care for the family of Faith, as well as looking outward in faith! Amen!