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  • Phone: (651) 464-3323
  • Mailing Address: 886 North Shore Drive, Forest Lake, MN 55025



Faith Ministry Stories

Church Photos

Posted by Dennis Sanders on

It's time for your church directory photos!  This time around there will be two weeks for you and your family to say cheese! The Portrait dates are October 27-29 from 2:00 to 8:30 pm and November 21-23 from 2:00 to 8:30 pm.  You can go to THIS LINK and access our online...

Support Faith Youth!

Posted by Cathy Nelson on

Thank you, Faith! This summer you provided 11 scholarships to kids attending Camp Wapo where they experienced the joy of Christ together. You supported 28 youth and adults traveling to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area who paddled and portaged into God’s wild grace. You walked alongside 25...

Make A Joyful Noise with Faith's Music Ministry

Posted by Linda Burk on

All are welcome to participate in Music Ministry as we begin rehearsals this September.       Mondays: 6:30-8:00 PM Bells of Faith rehearse in the Bell Room. Contact Dean Jensen ( ) Mondays: 7:30-9:00 PM Faith Worship Band rehearses in the Sanctuary. Contact...

Hope for Our Team

Posted by Pastor John Klawiter on

Back in November, after the Minnesota Vikings lost to the Dallas Cowboys (and their back-up quarterback) on Monday Night Football on Halloween, I met with a family to plan a funeral.   Mary was a devoted Vikings fan and watched every game. Apparently, this loss was the last straw. Her...

Catching Up With the Council-August 2022

Posted by Jennifer Tolzmann on

Faith's Council met on Tuesday, August 9, 2022, after taking a break during the month of July. We opened our meeting with a great devotion about taking time to pray when you find yourself waiting... and closed that out with prayers for our community. Along with our regular business...

To Shell and Back!

Posted by Pastor John Klawiter on

Last week, Faith Lutheran sent four groups to the Boundary Waters in Northern Minnesota for a canoe trip. My group included me and my ten year old son, Phin. All he wanted to do was fish. We had a guide from Camp Vermilion and six 9th grade boys who are friends from confirmation and...

Faith Lends A Hand Update

Posted by Jennifer Tolzmann on

Thank you, Faith, for your kindness in helping support a family of 7 from Forest Lake, who have been in transition. This photo and text paint a picture of Faith's kindness in action. We are happy to report they have been able to get into a small, comfortable home in Chaska, and we have been...

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Posted by Dennis Sanders on

Did you know Faith has a Prayer Shawl Ministry?   Prayer Shawls are delivered to those that need to feel a little extra support during a difficult time.   If you know how to knit or crochet any level of expertise, we need you! Yarn and instructions are available at door 10 (out...

Faith Lends A Hand

Posted by Jennifer Tolzmann on

Faith has recently been made aware of a Forest Lake family of 7 (Mom and 6 children) who were evicted from their apartment and are awaiting relocation to a home in the Twin Cities area. This family is in need of clothing and gift cards for shopping and gas. Two of the children are involved in...