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Faith Ministry Stories

Showing items for 'Pastor John Klawiter'

There Will Be A Someday

Posted by Pastor John Klawiter on

I am not an epidemiologist and have not studied the Coronavirus scientifically to be an expert on what advice to give you. Because of their advice, I wear a mask in public to protect you and appreciate when you do the same. I am not in charge of schools or school districts and can’t tell...

It Will Not Feel Like Typical Worship


Posted by Pastor John Klawiter on

Dear Faith Friends, Back on March 8th, when we had our last in-person worship at Faith, I had no idea it would be until July before we could even consider gathering in our building again. Thank you for your patience as we continue to wrestle with when and how to open our building, following the...

Popping Bubbles


Posted by Pastor John Klawiter on

Pictured: Jesse Mollner My little bubble has been popping a whole lot lately. Did you know June 12th was Loving Day? When I saw that, I assumed it was like a bonus Valentine’s Day for the summer, but it’s actually the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in 1967 that banned...

Slowly Re-engage


Posted by Pastor John Klawiter on

Hello Faith! Covid 19 changed everything. Faith Lutheran is a large congregation—pre-pandemic, 400 people would gather in worship on a Sunday. By the end of March, we quickly bolstered our online presence and strategy. We invested our resources into making worship accessible and...

Pentecost Haikus

Posted by Pastor John Klawiter on

Words help us communicate. A few weeks ago, Deacon Nina asked you to share your thoughts on Pentecost in the form of haiku poetry. Here are a few of the poems you came up with:   Arlyn Tolzmann The Holy Spirit  blows into our lives each day, moving us to serve.   Cliff Hill Asked...

We Have a Moral Responsibility


Posted by Pastor John Klawiter on

After a month of preaching to a little blue dot on a camera in the back of an empty sanctuary, a light bulb went off. My idea was to devote time during Sunday worship to learn from leaders who were trapped “inside the box.” Throughout history, the world has been changed by people who...

We thank you for your prayers for us


Posted by Pastor John Klawiter on

How are your local clergy doing? For many of us, we are doing ministry activities in ways we never imagined. Despite an empty sanctuary, I am witnessing an engaged and invigorated ministry field. People are participating in new and exciting ways. Clergy are relying on technology to communicate...

We Proclaim Hope in Despair

Posted by Pastor John Klawiter on

Dear Faith Supporter, This is different, isn’t it? This Easter will be memorable for what it doesn’t have: the church gathering together. There is genuine grief amongst us. One choir member texted me after a Livestream of our Wednesday night service: “I just need to let you...

We can do this, even though it hurts


Posted by Pastor John Klawiter on

Pastor sits down at his computer on Wednesday afternoon, March 10. Oh look, my article for the Forest Lake Times is due by Friday. I’ll write another article about the coronavirus from the church’s perspective!  Everyone, please wash your hands, stop shaking hands, and use lots...