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  • Phone: (651) 464-3323
  • Mailing Address: 886 North Shore Drive, Forest Lake, MN 55025



Faith Ministry Stories

Fighting the Bug that Bit You

Posted by Jean Peikert, RN on

Have you ever felt like a big dump truck just dropped a load on your chest and then left tracks on your forehead? Most of us know what it’s like to have a respiratory infection – the stuffy nose, sore throat, aching body, and just plain feeling terrible when you catch a cold or worse...

Joyful Experience

Posted on

In June we launched the Faith $100 challenge. 10 people received $100 during worship and were invited to live generously with the additional gift. Here is an update from Linda Rygh: "It was a joyful experience sharing the $100 challenge with my granddaughters who helped deliver writing journals...

Partnership for Parents who have Lost a Child

Posted by Betty Hestekin on

One year ago, on October 15, 2017, a small group met for the first time.  No one knew each other and as one young couple stated, “We felt so alone in our struggles and although walking through the door was tough, it was the best decision we could have made.”  What brought...

7 years and going strong

Posted by Joyce Getchell on

We are seven years into our preschool partnership with Lake Area Discovery Center. Enrollment is strong and this year we are 94% full! Together we support parents and children through a creative environment that promotes and teaches Christian values, honors diversity and fosters fellowship...


Posted by Joyce Getchell on

"What an awesome event!"  "I was so touched by the stories I heard." "Wow!" Share Tank, Forest Lake's first ever community sharing competition, took place on September 11th at Faith. Spiritual entrepreneurs pitched ideas to community leaders and received grants in the amount of $2,250 to...

It's What You Need

Posted by Deacon Nina Joygaard on

We all engage the world in different ways.  We have different life rhythms. Different types of families.  Different cares and struggles and challenges.  We find joy and hope in different places.  We’re old and young, lonely and desperate for solitude.  We span the...

Laughter is the same in any language

Posted on

If you had asked me prior to my first trip to Haiti what I expected of the week ahead, laughter likely wouldn’t have topped the list.  However humor has a way of catching us off guard, and sometimes arising in unexpected places and situations. . . The mood felt quiet and somber as we...

Radio Broadcast


Posted by Jean Peikert, RN on

What a blessing our radio broadcast is to so many people unable to come to church on Sunday morning. I visited with someone this week, which due to health problems, is unable to come to church. I asked her if she had heard the service last Sunday when J.D. and Fred Steele were at Faith...

Back to School

Posted by Jean Peikert, RN on

It is that time of year when children go back to school and young adults head off to college or to a new job. I remember myself and how I felt about leaving home. The butterflies in the tummy were real. We as parents need to encourage and be there for our children and listen to how they feel...

Union of Generosity

Posted by Joyce Getchell on

In June we launched the Faith $100 challenge. 10 people received $100 during worship and were invited to live generously with the additional gift. Here is an update from Bob & Joanne Olson "We gave the $100 to Union Gospel Mission. We know they do good work. In the past I've sent a...